Core Values

We respect all wisdom traditions and take a non dogmatic approach to Western Esotericism and the Christian Mysteries, which celebrates their inspiration and beauty in relationship to earlier and parallel traditions without making exclusive truth claims.

We have a particular interest in the Divine Feminine, in reclaiming and remembering Western Spiritual and Christian Herstory and Thealogy and in restoring the Sacred Marriage, a balance of masculine, feminine and non-binary spirituality, through a commitment to contemplative practice that seeks mystical union with the Divine.

We welcome people of any faith or none and from both within and outside established traditions. Wild Wisdom groups welcome a rich mix of people of all ages, genders and varied backgrounds.

we love to think deeply, contemplate and ask questions…

We are committed to thinking deeply about faith and values, meaning and purpose and to asking open questions. We feel free to engage with both the treasures of tradition and the creativity of new ways of thinking, being and relating.

We think deeply about the Biblical Traditions and draw upon the wisdom of the ancient cultures and myths that lie at the foundation of both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament. We draw upon both traditional and contemporary forms of Western spirituality, with a particular interest in Celtic Traditions, Eastern Orthodox Spirituality and Jewish Kabbalah.

We practice Interspirituality, described by Wayne Teasdale as ‘identifying and embracing the mystical core or common ground of the world’s religions’ with an emphasis on Western spiritual perspectives and a love for the Mystic and Cosmic Christ.

we commit to working collaboratively…

The Wild Wisdom community upholds co-creative and collaborative ways of working and learning together, with lightly held leadership that works through co-ordination and facilitation to encourage and empower the active participation and equality of all and which celebrates a diversity of culture, age, gender, sexuality etc.

We are committed to an emerging vision of collaborative or mutual ministry, including non hierarchical and non competitive forms of leadership focussed on listening, reflection and the building up of a mutual ministering community.

As part of Wild Monastery the wider organisation behind the Wild Wisdom community and including Wild Church, members can be part of a wider network of spiritual companions and spiritual community which has been growing over many years.

we like to live reflectively and learn holistically…

The intention behind Wild Wisdom School is to expand our understanding and experience of living spiritually, to learn to listen to each other and the spirit at work within each of us and to practise contemplative ways of being that will help us to reflect and respond, rather than react to life.

In Wild Wisdom courses we work with a holistic learning method based on ‘Entering the Orchard’ – Kabbalistic approaches to Torah study and also on the ancient Christian threefold path of  inner and outer ethics, contemplation of nature and mystical union. We use various practices including Prayer of the Heart and Lectio Divina. This fourfold ‘way of knowing’ embraces head and heart, body and spirit, so each gathering includes study, sharing, time for creativity and being embodied and connecting with nature and meditative practice.

We experience the depths of western spirituality through opening and nurturing the ‘mythopoetic mind’ and so emphasise and reclaim story and myth telling and creative work with art and the imaginal as a central way into the mysteries.

we love, create and care…

Wild Wisdom celebrates the interdependence of all life. It works to heal suffering, to free, to nourish and uphold peace, justice and all life. We seek to serve this life giving spirit in all the creative forms it takes in people, creatures and in the natural world.

We are especially committed to the earth and to an eco spirituality that honours the equality and deep spirit of all beings. Our work includes celebrating the outer ‘seasons of the spirit’ in the natural world and the inner seasons of our lives.


Call: 07979 057169
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by: Graphic Alchemy
Website last updated: 03 Mar 2024